Partcipating organizations:
Frysian Partners:
- Netwerk Noordoost (
- ANNO Municipalities: municipalities of Achtkarspelen, Dantumadiel, Dongeradeel, Ferwerderadiel, Kollumerland c.a., Tytsjerksteradiel
- Province of Fryslân (
- Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleidingen (
- Kenniswerkplaats Noordoost Fryslân (
- Zeeland Flanders partners:
Zeeland Flanders
Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (Zeeland-Flanders) is very special. The fact that it shares a border with Belgium is one of the reasons for this. We are a bit Flemish, a bit gastronomic and we have a touch of the buccaneer! So you see, our borders are purely geographical – for the rest, our region is boundless! Zeeuws-Vlaanderen is an area with many facets. Long, winding dykes, beautiful extensive beaches, fortress towns, the sea, martial protection lines and creeks are all intermingled. The seaport and central industrial area are located at and near the Canal from Ghent to Terneuzen. All parts offer an amount of jobs, also cross-border. Zeeuws-Vlaanderen has more than 175 restaurants, including 5 which collectively have 6 Michelin stars. The region shows a world of variety.
For a description of the organization of: the task force "Your New Future" (uwnieuwtoekomst) please click the link: files/documents/organisatie_uwnieuwetoekomst_tbv_countrypage.doc
See also the interactive map:
Noordoost Fryslân
Noordoost Fryslân is a vibrant and resilient region at the heart of the urban network Drachten-Leeuwarden- Groningen. The region offers abundant space for development, space in which to live, and, above all, space for enterprise.
Regional stakeholders (entrepreneurs, local and provincial government and other stakeholders) have organized their cooperation in the organization: netwerk noordoost
The region organises masterclasses to disseminate the results of Vital Rural Area and to structure common goals and aims in the region for future cooperation. For a report of the kick off of the masterclasses see:
- Kickoff on the 13th of March:files/documents/2014013_Verslag_EU-ANNO_Masterclass(1).pdf
- First set of masterclasses 17th of April on social inclusion, eco-policy and health / care files/20140417_Verslag_EU-ANNO_MC_2-3-4.pdf.
- Second set of masterclasses (15th of May) on water, energy&sustainability and greeen mobility files/20140515_Verslag_EU-ANNO_MC_5_6_7.pdf
- Third set of masterclasses on agriculture, biobased economy and Econonomy-education-innovation files/documents/20140528_Verslag_EU-ANNO_MC_8_910.pdf.
- After the masterclasses the results of a wrap up on the masterclasses has been presented on th 5th of June in the partnermeeting: files/results_anno-dissemination.ppt.
For a report on the Fisian dissemination activities see: files/Final_report_of_Dissemination_activity_Vital_Rural_Area.doc
Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleidingen, Education for the business and private market
Businesses, individuals, workers and job seekers (adults) at ROC Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleidingen go for (re)training, job mobility, the Experience Profile and the Certificate of Experience.
The education can be followed in the Northern part of the Netherlands on one of the next locations: Dokkum, Drachten, Emmeloord , Leeuwarden and Sneek, but also an exclusive on-site training.
ROC Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleidingen is focusing on the development of skills and labor competencies of its customers. We provide content with businesspartnerships, municipalities, industry associations and knowledgecenters. In 2013 ROC Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleidingen trained approximately 4.500 participants.
Friese Poort is an important partner in the project in developing the
Please see a presentation: by clicking the following link: files/Presentatie_screenshots.pdf
Friese Poort
Province of Fryslân
ROC Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleidingen
Provinceof Fryslân
NOFA municipailties (leadpartner ofVitalRuralArea) are:
- Municipality of Achtkarspelen:
- Municipality of Dantumadiel::
- Municipality of Dongeradeel:
- Municipality of Kollumerland ca:
See also:
Project management:
Tendering procedure for the project management of the project Vital Rural Area 2012:
The project management has been assigned on the seventeenth of February 2012 to Hermanns Consultancy, for the period February 2012 until the end of the project.
Vital Rural Area (short: Vital) is an European co-operation project of 13 project partners from six North Sea countries in the framework of the European Regional Development Fund ERDF (50% funding), especially the Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme. Leadpartner is NOFA, the co-operation between the Dutch Municipalities of Achtkarspelen, Dantumadiel, Dongeradeel and Kollumerland c.a. in the Province of Frysln. The project is supported and advised by a scientific group.