Ambassadors involvement in promoting a region (NL)
Ambassadors promoting entrepreneurship: ‘For Enterprise, it’s us’ (B)
Attracting people to your region: Emigration Exhibition (NL)
Branding and marketing Finnøy Islands (N)
Campaign in Regional Branding: "Big Quality Quiz" (B)
Communication campaign: ‘Enjoying. It’s us’ (B)
Digital promotion of the a touristic region: The Zwin Region (NL)
Internal branding of a region : participative approach (B)
PFERDEstärken Langenhagen: FahrKulTour (G)
Socio-economic Master plan for regional development (NL)
Stakeholder analysis as a precursor for successful regional branding (DK)
Strategy building for regional development - Activities (NL)
Strategy building for regional development - Creating networks (NL)
Strategy building for regional development - Overview (NL)
Strong governance in a strong region: reorganising the co-operation model (B)