1. Langenhagen in Lower Saxony - unknown but full of possibilities in tradition, economy and lifestyle to be discovered
The City of Langenhagen is located in the direct vicinity of Hannover, the capital city of Lower Saxony (518,000 inhabitants), and is part of the Region of Hannover (1,126,000 inhabitants).
Langenhagen - bordering the communities of Wedemark, Isernhagen and the cities of Hannover and Garbsen - is made up of:
- a city center (32,000 inhabitants) which has an urban character and is surrounded by large industrial and commercial areas as well as the Hannover-Langenhagen Airport;
- five villages:: Engelbostel (3,100 inhabitants), Godshorn (6,400), Kaltenweide (5,800), Krähenwinkel (2,600) and Schulenburg (1,800). These communities are located in a wide belt of countryside, which flanks the city center of Langenhagen to the west and the north, and consists of a number of different natural areas.
To find out more about Lower Saxony: Read here
To learn about Langenhagen: Read here
To find out, how we created a brand for Langenhagen: Read this
For a brief look on Langenhagen and the complete branding process of our project „PFERDEstärken Langenhagen“ you can as well watch our video on YouTube (english). Simply click on the foto. For more films on our project cases look in the „INSPIRATION CORNER“ below. For detailled information, galleries and more you can visit our website or find us on facebook.
2. Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein
In the rural parts of Schleswig-Holstein there is a lack of well qualified residents, as the industry is growing in special branches. This situation is to be found especially within the industry for renewable energy, such as wind, sun and geothermal energy. A digital course called “Geothermal Energy” that will be disseminated via an online platform developed in conjunction with and implemented by the project partner within the Vital Rural Area Project - Friese Poort, was developed.
Find basic information about Schleswig-Holstein here
Find information about the Wirtschaftsakademie on the german website
Branding Langenhagen project update

E-learning-module "Geothermal Energy" project update
CASES Langenhagen |
SPECIAL ADVICE Langenhagen |
MEDIA REACTION Langenhagen |
If you are interested in more information on E-learning concepts concerning renewable energy please visit There you find another module developed by Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleiding.
If you are interested in branding your town by making aware of cultural heritag please visit our partner GLIEM, a project developed by volunteers in Langenhagen.