What is Langenhagen known for?

On the other hand it is a horse city, home to such world-famous horse outfitters as G. Passier & Sohn, the well-known horse racing (multi purpose) track, the polo field, renowned breeders and many riding clubs. See also: www.pferdestaerken-langenhagen.eu.
Due to Langenhagen's close proximity to Hannover, it tends to be somewhat overshadowed by Lower Saxonies capital and the city is seldom perceived as an independent community in its own right. In other words: the city does not have a strong positive image of its own.
Although this problem is typical for communities that are close located to big cities, it becomes particularly apparent in Langenhagen. As a result, many institutions and companies add 'Hannover' to their names when indicating their location. The fact that the important commercial passenger airport in Hannover-Langenhagen is simply known as Hannover Airport does also little to improve the image of the city.
Langenhagen looks back on a 50-year tradition as a city with greater than average success in Lower Saxony. However, it is still saddled with the reputation of a city with a weak image and a low self esteem, despite all its past successes as a community.
What is to discover?
The Brand: As told Langenhagen has a longstanding tradition as a city where horse-breeding, horse-change, horse-marketing and all the craftmenships around horses have a high level. This too is due to the outstanding geographical position and the poor soil. The best use for this soil apart from potatoe-growing was using it as meadows. Up to now the landscape around the centre of Langenhagen is very rural with remote places and rural villages, where you can find the typical brickstone farmhouses famous for Lower Saxony.
On the other hand one can see signs of modern mobility in this city, entreprises doing transports to all international destination.
Almost logical the brand of Langenhagen is called "PFERDEstärken" which means horses-power. And all aspects of this are content of sub-projects and events promoted by Vital Rural Area and its pilot PFERDEstärken.